Eucharistic Ministers participate at Sunday and daily Masses, assisting the Priest with Holy Communion. Special training is provided. You must be at least 18 years old, a Catholic in good standing, and approved by the pastor.
Altar servers assist the presider at liturgy. YOUTH 5th grade and older, assist at weekend Masses, Funerals, Weddings, Stations of the Cross, and other services. They must attend a training session.
Server Trainings are the last day of the month (excluding December) from 3:00-4:00pm in the Church.
Men and women are needed at every Mass to greet all who arrive, to answer guests' questions or give directions, to take up the collection, to distribute weekly bulletins, and to perform any other service the assembly may need. They must arrive 20 minutes.
Eucharistic Ministers to the sick
Eucharistic Ministers to the sick take Holy Communion to the homebound and the sick in hospitals and nursing homes. Special training is PROVIDED. You must be at least 18 years old, a Catholic in good standing, and approved by the pastor.
This ministry is open to any Catholic, fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) who is a registered parishioner. They receive an orientation/training session where duties and responsibilities are explained. They may choose which Mass they would like to serve.
Contact the church office to sign up for liturgical ministries.
Email HERE or call 501-663-8632
Liturgical Ministers Prayer
May the Holy Spirit guide us
as we endeavor to prayerfully and reverently
serve the Lord, our God,
as a Liturgical Ministers at Holy Souls Parish.
May we lead by the example
of our own personal spiritual lives,
and by our actions each and every day.
As we serve,
may we always remember that
we are all brothers and sisters in Christ;
and that true worship comes from
humble and contrite hearts, and love of one another.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.