Music Ministry

Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church has had a fine tradition of music-making since 1927. Music serves the liturgy in many ways, including joining voices in singing praise to God in times of thanksgiving, sorrow, and highest joy. Masses' musical leadership is provided by the choirs, cantors, and congregation.
We believe "Catholics CAN sing" at Holy Souls Church! As visible in the photo, the music at Holy Souls begins in the pews, and it is beautiful if you would like to participate in one of our more formal music-making groups.
The Parish Choir is open to adults and high school-aged students. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the church.
Instrumentalists are used occasionally in leading the music for masses.
Children's Choirs are open to students in 5th-8th grades. There are various rehearsal times. During the school day.