Holy Souls Organizations
There are many ways to give your time and talent to the parish. Here are a few organizations that you may be interested in joining.
Altar Society
Would you like to meet other women of the parish, serve God, & become more involved in parish activities?
Consider becoming a member of the
Altar Society.
The Altar Society is a women’s organization whose primary responsibility is to maintain the beautification of the church, altar, & special needs of the priests- such as vestments, seasonal attire, flowers, etc.
All women, age 21 and older, are invited to join the
organization and/or attend events.
For more information, contact the Altar Society
Executive Committee at: EMAIL
2022-2023 Altar Society Executive Committee
President - Selina Ripa
Vice President - Claire Putt
Treasurer - Angela Frazer
Silver Souls Senior Group
The seniors' group is a very active group of parishioners ages 45 and older who meet on the second Monday of each month at 10 A.M. in the Parish Hall. The meetings begin with a brief business meeting followed by fellowship, cards, and games. Lunch is provided. The group goes on monthly outings in and around Little Rock.
Joining the Silver Souls Senior Group is an excellent opportunity to relax, have fun and meet other parishioners.
For more information, contact John Robben, President- HERE
Bridge club/ Card party
The card party, including bridge and other card games, meets the third Tuesday of each month from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Participants bring their lunch, and drinks are provided. Everyone is welcome.
For more information, please Ann Hoffmann at 501-666-8223.
Funeral Ministry
Our Funeral Luncheon Ministry group prepares a meal for the family following the funeral of their loved one. Four groups alternate between funerals, so you will only be called to help occasionally. Members bring the food or/and serve it and clean up afterward. Donations are always appreciated to help cover the cost of the meat, beverages, etc.
For more information or to become part of the Funeral Luncheon Ministry, please contact Laura Humphries, Parish Life Director, or call 501-663-8632.
respect life committee
As Catholics, we respect the holiness of life, knowing that all life is precious. It is our moral responsibility to protect all life. You are invited to proclaim the sacredness of life by joining this committee. This committee promotes respect life activities, including 40 Days for Life in the spring and fall, Mass for Life, and March for Life in January.
For more information, please call the Church Office.
Elder Support
It was established as a volunteer ministry to assist elderly and homebound parishioners with grocery shopping, handyman chores, yard work, appointments, and church.
For more information or volunteer, please contact Laura Humphries at
Men's Club
The Men’s Club promotes fellowship and provides gifts and services to the parish. All parish men (Protestant spouses too!) are invited to join. The Men’s Club sponsors parish events and functions, including an annual Shrimp and Oyster Dinner and Lenten Fish Frys. They also provide a meal for the family of parishioners who has died. Meetings are on the second Monday of the month and begin at 7 pm with a Rosary and a business meeting followed by refreshments and fellowship.
For more information, contact Shawn J. Johnson, President, at 501-291-0203.
The Men's Club sponsors a Shrimp & Oyster Dinner annually on the 2nd Saturday in January.
hospitality & support
there are different groups within this ministry; you can choose to welcome newcomers to the parish, visit the sick, send get-well cards, make telephone calls or personal visits to parishioners, and prepare meals for recuperating parishioners.
For more information or to volunteer, please get in touch with Laura Humphries Or call 501-663-8632.
garden angels
Volunteers are needed to maintain their own garden area on the church grounds year-round. For more information, please contact Susie Williams or call 501-663-8632.
snow angels
On snowy days, volunteers are needed to remove snow and ice from the walkways around the church and school. For more information, please contact Susie Williams or call 501-663-8632.
Our Parish has an active Cub Scout (K-5th), Boy Scout and Girl Scout program.
The Scouts have meeting facilities with meeting rooms, arts and craft rooms, and a kitchen in the Benedict House.
For information about CUB SCOUTS, contact Jane Griffin EMAIL at 501-772-0843
For information about BOY SCOUTS, contact John Robbins at 501-940-3862
For information about GIRL SCOUTS, contact Samantha Minster or Rachel Glenn EMAIL
Special event volunteers
Volunteers are needed to help set up, serve, and clean up after parish events when the volunteer is available. It is fun and a great way to meet parishioners!
For more information, please contact Laura Humphries or call 501-663-8632.