Jesus touches our lives through the sacraments. Our celebrations of the sacraments are signs of Jesus' presence in our lives and a means for receiving his grace. The Church celebrates seven sacraments, which are divided into three categories.
Youth Faith Formation (YFF)
We have something for everyone, 1st through 8th grade. YFF is for all children who do not attend a Catholic school. YFF meet on Sunday's 9:00-10:15am in the Benedict House beginning September 8th, 2024
First Holy Communion
Holy Souls & YFF Students entering 2nd grade, register here for 1st Communion (see calendar below).
Holy Souls & YFF Students entering 8th grade, register here for Confirmation
Confirmation Mass- February 8th, 2025 6pm
Baptism preparation classes are required for the parents before the baptism. We highly recommend that you plan to come during the pregnancy when things tend to be less hectic and you have more time to prepare for the spiritual birth of your child. Once you've completed the class, a date for your baby's baptism can be scheduled. For more information about the baptism preparation classes, please contact the Pastoral Secretary, Stacey Matchett at 501-663-8632
For information about baptizing children over 7, teens, or adults, contact Samantha Minster
To request a copy of a Baptismal Certificate for any baptism celebrated at Holy Souls Church, please call Stacey Matchett, Pastoral Secretary, at 501-663-8632
Confirmation is the completion of the sacrament of Baptism by which the Holy Spirit is imparted in a special way for the strengthening of the believer.
Confirmation is a two-year program. The foundational year typically begins in the fall of 7th grade ending with Sacrament of Confirmation in the winter of their 8th-grade year.
For more information about our Confirmation Program for Youth, please contact Andrew Baka
Youth Faith Formation
We have something for everyone, 1st through 8th grade. YFF is for all children who do not attend a Catholic school.
REGISTER HERE for faith formation classes. YFF meets on Sunday's 9:00-10:15 in the Benedict House beginning September 8th, 2024.
To learn more about the Youth Faith Formation Program at Holy Souls, contact Samantha Minster
holy orders
In Holy Orders, men are ordained as priests. They vow to lead other Catholics by bringing them the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), by proclaiming the Gospel, and by providing other means to holiness.
anointing of the sick
This sacrament unites a sick person's suffering from that of Jesus and brings forgiveness of sins. A seriously ill person, in danger of death, weakened due to age, or preparing for serious surgery may be anointed.
Please call Stacey Matchett, Pastoral Secretary, at 501-663-8632
Holy Eucharist
Celebration of First Holy Communion (Eucharist) is held in the spring for children that have completed Foundational Catechetical Year (1st grade) and Immediate Catechetical Year (2nd grade).
To register for Foundational Catechetical Year, please enroll your child in Holy Souls School or Holy Souls Youth Faith Formation Classes.
To register for Immediate Catechetical Year (2nd Grade), please register your child with the church office by August 27th. All children attending Holy Souls School and Youth Faith Formation classes must register for First Communion and First Reconciliation.
Please contact Samantha Minster, Youth Faith Formation Coordinator 501-663-8632 for more information.
holy matrimony
The sacrament of matrimony signifies the union of Christ and the Church. Marriage is a vocation in the church through which we live our baptismal promises. This sacrament reveals the very mystery of God in our lives. Marriage is always a solemn, conscious, sacred commitment. Your choice to share your lives in marriage and with this community is a bond formed before God and His people. In your relationship, you draw closer to God and the Church. It is in this sacrament that Christ manifests unconditional love daily and forever.
Those registered and active parishioners considering marriage should contact the Pastoral Secretary, Stacey Matchett, in the Church Office (501-663-8632) as soon as they decide to marry, at least six months before the desired date of the wedding.
Private Confessions
by appointment - call the church office (501-663-8632)
First Reconciliation for Children
Preparation and celebration of First Reconciliation are held in December of second grade. Students enrolled at Holy Souls School are prepared during regular religious class time. Children not enrolled in the school are trained through the YFF (Youth Faith Formation) program. For more information, contact the Church Office at 501-663-8632.
First Reconciliation for Adults
Are you a baptized Catholic who seeks to complete your initiation through the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation? If so, the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) at Holy Souls Church welcomes you.
home & hospital visits
Parishioners are available to visit the homebound and bring them Communion. Call the Church Office at (501) 663-8632 or Laura Humphries
Holy Souls Eucharist Ministers visit Catholics at UAMS and the VA. These ministers talk, see, pray and share the Eucharist. Eucharistic Ministers from another parish visit St.Vincents, Baptist Medical Center, and Arkansas Children's Hospital and bring Communion to those patients. Whichever hospital you or a member of your family is admitted to, let them know that you are Catholic and a member of Holy Souls Church. Then, please call the church office (501-663-8632) or email Stacey Matchett and let us know you are in the hospital.